This has all the registration data properly recorded so it is easy to just restore that file if need be. FS Flight Keeper (FSFK) combines seven programs in one: A Logbook, an Aircraft Black Box, a Flight Weather planning tool, a Flight Information System (ACARS Device), a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), a Cockpit Sound Environment enhancement and last but not least Air TV. On this version 2, Icorrected the airways used on Version 1. Product information 'FS Flight Keeper 3.52'. Since you have the licenses for FSnavigator and Level-d 767 will be very good useful tool.
If you are running a legally registered copy of FSNav, I find the easiest way to keep a backup of the regitration data is simply to keep a copy of the file named Program.cfg - which is in your Flight Simulator 9\Modules\FSNavigator\Bin subfolder. This time Ive have tracked all VARIG International flights from Brazil to all destinations based on Varigs website info.Note,code-share is not included yet. What is important is that the registration data is "legal". It should not matter "where" the program was "stored". To me that is same as having saved a copy of the program and registration data on a CD or other media and then re-installing it after a HD failure or some other calamity. I can see nothing illegal about getting and and entering your registration information - assuming you were wise enough to keep a copy of the data which was sent to you when you registered through the now defunct site. The program can still be found as Jim points out. It therefore made little sense to offer a program which only had a limited "life expectancy".
Most sites have removed the base program simply because it is not possible to register it after the free trial period expires.

StanI don't want to put words in Jim's mouth but perhaps I can answer. I'm still using it happily as I have a legal copy. We had a lot of discussion in previous topics over the legality of using it, or passing it on to others, and concluded that it was still subject to copyright rules, and as such could not be acquired or re-registered unless you have a legal copy with the registration code. Jim, your site reference to FSNav seems to indicate that it IS STILL legally available as a free download. It offers World-wide current Airway and Intersection Database, SID/STAR direct Up-/Download from dedicated Internet Server and. Alternatively FSNavigator can open a separate window to run from. FSNavigator flight planner, flight management system and moving map. Fight Simulator then changes its face and becomes FSNavigator while all menus and keys remain active. FSNavigator is activated from within your MS Flight Simulator by pressing key F9. (shame, FsNavigator seemed quite good - till FsCommander came along). FSNavigator 4 is a fully integrated plug-in for MS Flight Simulator 98 and MS Flight Simulator 2000.
We cannot confirm if there is a free download of this software available. Downloading FSNavigator 4.7 from the developers website was possible when we last checked. "Different strokes for different Folks", but unless there are some major improvements in future versions, this is one addon that I will avoid. Total downloads: 2,185 (3 last week) Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10. (4) As suspected, after FSnaviagtor, screen updates are painfully slow. (at least they worked much better in FsNavigator).

"REVOLTING" and thats putting it as nicely as I can ! I think this is the 1st addon in 5 years, that will not run on XP, one of FSX's supported Operating systems. (not a big deal - you do the same and more with FsCommander) Yes but the main issue is that you can bring FSC as a pop up screen as you could with FsNav (F9 key) and with FSTramp.